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Bryant Cohen
2 min readAug 5, 2023


Life is wonderful. I mean wonderful in the truest sense of the word. All of the complicated layers that make Wonder so desirable. Yet, terrifying. Frightening to consider what happens behind doors that are closed to us. Privacy. Wonder. The unknown. Mystery scares us all. Because we can't control it. We just want to understand. But we can't. We do our best, but there are things that we will never understand, and that's ok. In fact, it's better than ok. It's beautiful, like Love. We are sadly mistaken if we think we fully understand Love. That is why it has so many names. Agape and all of the other shit humans use to make sense of things that have no theory. As a lover of philosophy, I say some shit doesn't need a theory. Love is a power, a force that cannot be bought, sold, or controlled. It can't be counterfeited. Fake Love is not Love at all. But the real thing is all you need.

We run around with this obsession with "more." As children, somehow, we were programmed to think more meant better. More. Things, toys, friends, attention, money, Love…more. Time. More. That is gluttony. The source of most human problems can be traced to gluttony. As a person who has been able to get more, I can say, that more by no means is equal to better. In fact, it just gives you more to hide. The more you have, the more things are hidden. The more you fear being found out. Fear. Ari Aster was really in his bag when he wrote Beau is Afraid. There is no better depiction of the "babadooks" we all run around within our heads. Afraid of shit that does not exist. The wild thing is the shit that drives us to play defense in life is not real. There are predators, for sure. Some of us have had unfortunate encounters with predators we thought loved us. The wildest part is those predators may be carnivorous, or they could be playing defense in their world. Who knows. One thing is for sure, we are all afraid, and that's ok.

Think about it, The Great Wall of China is this majestic expression of human creativity married with focus. But the reality of it is, it was built because people were afraid. As big and strong as it is, it did not save them. They were indeed invaded. Not to mention the most significant threats were inside the wall anyway. Safety is an illusion. Your house, bank account, assets, retirement accounts — none of it brings you safety. You can be the most prominent gun collector and the best shooter in the world, but still, you aren't safe from a bad spin of the bottle from fate. The saddest way to live your life is to be trapped in a permanent pursuit of safety. To think things can make you "safe". We reach for them because we are afraid. Afraid of what we don't know or understand. There is no need to be afraid. Safety is not in things, but it is indeed in Love. Spread that.



Bryant Cohen
Bryant Cohen

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